Asset Forecast is a technique for analysing an asset’s future direction based on price history data rather than the computation of the asset’s intrinsic value.
Indicators and methods for pattern recognition are used in asset forecasting to predict short- to medium-term patterns in the price variations of the asset being studied.
Instead of long-term value investment, this approach is more beneficial for short-term trading to forecast trends that last minutes to days.
Due to their volatility, trading in Foreign Exchange (Forex/FX) and complicated financial instruments such as Contracts for Difference (CFDs) carries a high level of risk. Leveraged trading increases potential rewards while also increasing risk. Trading leveraged CFDs may not be suitable for everyone and is best carried out by experienced professional traders due to the risk of total capital loss. Before deciding whether to trade, make sure you understand the risks involved and whether it is appropriate for your goals and needs. Seek independent guidance if necessary. does not accept individuals or businesses who are residents or citizens of the United States of America, Japan, or Canada.